Offering A Bright Daily Refuge Of Peace, Compassion, Well Being and Love
A Classic Teaching of Traditional Inner Illumination Honoring the Ancient Precepts of Ethical Spirituality Within the Foundation of the Pure Form Personal Experience of Beloved Robert Adams
"Spend time daily in the beauty, the peace, the glory of nature. Here, you will feel The Supreme. The beauty of the true Self within. "
Robert Adams
An Ancient Way for Modern Day
Peace Be With You. Joyful Holy-days to you. Enjoy Robert Adams Favorite Christmas Sing Along Song "Peace. Peace. Peace."
"This is a very auspicious time. People all over the world are thinking about God. This is a powerful time. Therefore be of good cheer. Increase your practices. Rejoice in the glory and the splendor. Become more compassionate. Become benevolent. Selfless. Give to others, asking nothing in return. It does not matter what reaction you receive. Feed the hungry, visit the housebound. Bring joy to the children. Celebrate. Ask others what you can do to make their lives easier.
Become a living embodiment of loving kindness. For this is really your true nature. This is who You really are. The world has just covered it up. It is up to you to awaken this nature.Thus, we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Jesus is the master of compassion. Love for your brother, as your Self. For they are one and the same. Therefore you find joy in bringing joy to others. You find Grace. Do this humbly. In a practical manner.
And you begin to unfold. A radiance emerges. You see the holidays with the wonder of a child. And you will feel a holiness. A great peace."
In times of outer uncertainty, a solid refuge of deep peace, compassion and guided personal experience of the Presence of God anchors one in Truth, unchanging security. The internationally beloved teacher of classic inner illumination through love, compassion and humility, Robert Adams is the sole Western spiritual master of international reverence, teaching his personal experience upon request in the classic tradition of joyful inner Illumination for over thirty years. Through the path of peace and compassion within the cultural context of ancient ethical precepts, his roots in mystic Christianity provides a supernal insight through direct experience of this truth. Classes, Podcasts, Videos, Personal Counsel, Concerts, The Original Pure Form Lessons.
Through his own gentle experiences, original meditations, Dialogues, personal life guidance honoring the Golden Rule, he offers 'a direct experience of the love of God.' His self established Institute assures his pure Message by those he selected, devotedly spending a lifetime within his Presence.
Click Here: Enjoy The Weekly Robert Adams Original Pure Form Lessons for Laptop, Cell Phone and Ipad
"If the end result of Illumination is love, compassion and humility, what if we were to do that now?" Robert AdamsThe internationally revered gentle sage offers only his personal experience in illumination, in a modern day reality adhering to classic universal, ancient roots of powerful ethical precepts. Unaffiliated at any time with any groups or teachers during his teaching, this gentle family man spoke only a few hours a week publicly, counseling hundreds in the rare personal experience of an eternal unchanging joy and peace. The Pure Teaching of Robert Adams constitutes his shared personal experience, and is presented solely by his selected Inst. Teachers, lineage, Established Institute.
"Happiness is Your True Nature. Happiness is the Substratum of Your Existence."
Peace. Peace. Peace."
"Never Forget the Most Important Thing, Love, Compassion and Humility."
Robert Adams is the sole American confirmed and honored in an ancient lineage as a true illumined sage by the great saint Ramana Maharshi, featured as the teacher in the vintage film, The Razors Edge. Conveying an ancient wisdom for modern times, his uniquely powerful transmissions of a palpable peace, his ethereal nature and warm benevolent kindness endear him to thousands. A devoted family man, tenderly dedicating himself to his family for the majority of his life, his love of children, laughter and selfless dedication to others shines as the keynote in the practical application of his Teaching to all.
"The person who has been touched by God is the first person to get in there and help others. Feed the hungry, help the poor, for this is the nature of God. Within you is Unimaginable Beauty. Discover this today. Dive deeply into the peace that does not change. Do this every morning upon awakening and just before sleep. Here you will find refuge in That Peace Eternal. Here you will find the Unimaginable Beauty. It will last longer and longer until one day, it never leaves you." May this bright daily refuge be a rich source of Truth, peace, love and guidance in your life."
"Peace. Peace. Peace."
"Silence of The Heart" is the Classic Life Treatise on the stages of illumination.
This non-denominational teaching is presented from the personal direct experiences by the globally renowned illumined Spiritual teacher, beloved Robert Adams, founder of The Robert Adams Infinity Institute. "Peace. Peace. Peace."
My friend, the time will come when you realize that you have to make a choice. This choice-less choice will come to everyone. At some point in your life, everyone is given the choice. Its arrival is pre-ordained by the Supreme. What you do with this choice is entirely up to you. For it will dictate your destiny. And yet you have to ask yourself, is there really a choice? For I AM That. Forever. Eternally. And this is what I wish to experience consciously. Magnificently. Honestly. This is the shining Supreme Truth upon which all else is superimposed. We must resolve the human predicament, we must actually live in this reality all of the time, beautifully.
Happiness is your true nature. Happiness is the substratum of your existence. The essential foundation of divine reality of the unchanging nature of the joy within. Happiness. This book includes the much requested student life introduction to Robert Adams. Within You Is The Light of a Thousand Suns. "Awaken each morning pondering the Truth. Become this pondering. Dive into the Unimaginable Beauty within you.
Scrutinize yourself honestly. You will become a living embodiment of loving kindness."...More on Happiness here
Enjoy A Shared Personal Introduction to Robert Adams Happiness This Moment click Here
Review: This book has been my happiness bible ever since I got it. Robert Adams really delves into the whole gamut of truly feeling loved and happy, illuminating the breadth of his own experience of it. This encourages me to 'jump into' the methods with no pressure. Very moving. I used to just read it for upliftment, then after a couple hard life knocks, i realized what he was really doing, uncovering layers of beautiful-ness that really remains at our disposal, 'this moment" within our true nature. Karuna.
"You must do something spiritual everyday. I call you to do these things everyday. You will live in a New Reality. Your entire life will be transformed. You will have a Direct Experience of Bliss, The Supreme, Peace, Love, Truth that does not change. Life will become bright. You will feel a brotherhood with all of humanity." A new life. A new consciousness. A new experience of ultimate awareness in your life. It is all up to you. It is time. As I have said, I can show you the vein of gold, but you have to dig for it. This is the earthly predicament. Yet it is a beautiful predicament. For you have the Freedom to transform your life. At any moment. Won't you begin now? There is a real world of beauty, love, harmony peace. What Reality are you relating to?"
The Pathway to Illumination by Robert Adams taught from his unique personal experience, embraces the following eight fundamental Pathways. As you begin to experience gentle inner illumination, you begin to associate yourself with your original spiritual nature, rather than your physical-human limitations. You begin to naturally practice the pure fundamentals he emanates. "Begin at the beginning." Revered by what Robert Adams refers to as fundamental precepts of "all true religions" of the world. The result is a "Direct experience of God", resulting in extended periods of peace, an awakening of loving kindness, compassion, humility and a realization of a sense of brotherhood with all. Living in natural spiritual integrity, one's life is guided by The Power That Knows the Way.
"The happiness comes bubbling up. A lasting, authentic new happiness that includes all of life. The happiness of this life, with a loved one, a beautiful sunset, a selfless act, is real, yet it is a glimmer of the eternal indescribable joy that never fades. You must acquire a sense of brotherhood with all of humanity."
Enjoy an Introduction and deepening of the Premier Topics of Robert Adams Teaching, Personal Experience, and Methods. The joy of a direct experience of his original Teaching directives below. The Robert Adams Original Path of Classic Illumination. The Daily Methods. The Foundation. The Guidance. The Peace.
For the discerning student of Truth. "You must do something spiritual everyday. I call you to do these things everyday. You will live in a New Reality. Your entire life will be transformed. You will have a Direct Experience of Bliss, The Supreme, Peace, Love, Truth that does not change. Life will become bright."...More
“Be joyous, full of good cheer. If you truly experiencing God, you are filled with joy, for this is the nature of God. You do not ignore others pain, you awaken the joy that is eternal, unchanging, all pervading, within everyone. Joy, happiness, this is your true nature. This is your origin. Worship God with happiness. ...More/Video
There is no spirituality without compassion. Compassion is your true nature. Therefore, live in the path of non- harm, Ahimsa, to all living beings. Be merciful. Your job is to become a conduit of gentle loving kindness in this earthly embodiment. Regardless of what is occurring in the world around you, remain in the unchanging all pervading Reality of compassion, loving kindness. Happiness ensues.” Robert Adams. ...More/Video
“True Love Never Changes.”
Robert Adams Answers Questions on Jesus.
Compassion is your True Nature.
"Jesus is the master of compassion. If everyone did what Jesus taught, everyone would be illumined. Yet who is willing to do this? Be compassionate to all. Be full of mercy. Forgive Everyone. Forgive yourself. Selflessly serve others. Feed the hungry, visit the lonely, you will be blessed immeasurably. This is the Supreme Path of Compassion. This is our True Nature.”...More/Video
"Try to be bubbling over with thankfulness for this life you have been pre -ordained to receive. To take birth in this human embodiment, to be able to unfold, really progress in this lifetime, is a great boon. It is very auspicious. Somewhere you have earned this. So rejoice in this freedom. Utilize this freedom. Honor this freedom. Enjoy this divine freedom to unfold beautifully each and every day-in the glory of The Supreme. It is all up to you.
If you feel you can be thankful for nothing else, thank God every day for this gift. Something will begin to happen. Humility will arise. Happiness will begin to arise. For this is the unchanging nature of your Self. You will begin to notice the wonder, the glory and Splendor of this world. In the meantime, expand this thankfulness to those that have nothing. Become a living embodiment of kindness. Assistance to others, and you will tap into this happiness of the heart center within you.
You are not passive. You become a conduit of the alleviation of the suffering of others; you will be lifted up to a higher consciousness. Trust in the supremacy of Goodness. Today, surround yourself with the pure and lovely, the gentle things of this world, and be thankful for them. God is taking care of you. You must have a higher vision than what you see. Dive deeper. Find the eternal Light behind the temporal events. When despondency arises, say to God, "I am bubbling over with thankfulness!" You will laugh at yourself. See the world with the wonder of a child. Identify with this. This is Reality. You are taken care of very well indeed. How does the earth know to grow food? How do the birds know where to fly?
There is a Power That Knows The Way that created you and is guiding your life.
Therefore, be thankful.
“Our Mission on This Earth Is To Be Of Service to Humanity. Alleviate the Suffering of Others in Practical Ways. "
Robert Adams personally established and named his own Institute with his selected Teachers as the pure presentation of his Message in love, compassion and humility, honoring the classic ethical and moral precepts of spiritual unfoldment. For over five decades The Robert Adams Benevolence Project has provided food, clothing and toys to homeless children rooted in the foundation of love, compassion and humility.
"Never forget the most important thing. Love, Compassion and Humility. As you are unfolding, spread sunshine to all you meet."
The Robert Adams Infinity Institute is personally established as authorized by Robert Adams as the sole source of his original Pure Form Teaching "For generations to come." His personally selected life long teachers present a comprehensive, pure and clear offering of his beautiful Message that he teaches for over thirty years in over eight hundred extemporaneous, palpably uplifting and deeply loving Talks in his established format of Dialogue, Live Music, Meditation and personal clarifications. Robert Adams, a contemporary American family man residing in the suburbs, speaks only when requested to, due to the overwhelming peace, gentility and care emanating from him.
"I am not a guru. You have asked me to share my experience. Try it and see if it works for you. You can experience the fathomless love, peace of God, today. Now. Meanwhile, your job is to become a living embodiment of loving kindness, of The Three Virtues; love, compassion, humility to all. For this is your true Self." His Talks resulted in an immediate upliftment into sublime love. His dedication to the protection of the animal kingdom, supporting homeless children internationally, and often humorous spontaneous assistance to the homeless, regularly giving the shoes of his feet, NIke athletic shoes, to those on the street, exemplifies his foundation of compassion.
Always warm, filled with laughter, humor, music, joy and beauty, Robert Adams three decades of Talks were never held in complete silence, but in a celebration of "The Supreme Omnipresent Love in Brotherhood and Compassion", emphasizing three sections: The Discourse, Robert Adams Music and Chant, and Introductions of the Meditations and Practices including The I AM Meditation, Chant, Inquiry, and the Assertations. Non profit requirement: Questions of documenting claimed 'students' or attempted representation or 'satsangs'? Please see Clean Spirituality Legal pg.
"Say this every morning the moment you wake up. I Am Bright and Shining Like the Sun."