"Our mission on this earth is to be of service to humanity"
I Am Calling You To A Higher Vision
The goal of all of his lessons is to have a direct experience of the bliss, the compassion and the omniscient love of God, through a path of classic spiritual illumination.
He is revered globally as one of the few who actually takes you there, step by step in spiritual sadhana rather than stopping at generalizations. Experience the complete transmissions of the gentle sage in full explanations rather than unexplained quotations.
Buy Now $7.70 - 33 minute dialogue
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The Pure Form Original, authentic directives and deeply moving, caring guidance in every aspect of actually experiencing "The Omniscient Love of The Supreme" in classic Truth.
"Life transforming. Shimmers with love from his heart." Santa Fe Yoga Girl News
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$7.90 - 31 minute Dialogue
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"Be a reflection of the bright and shining light that is the True Self. When you begin to live this way, you have begun to become a student of Truth. Rejoice!"
Robert Adams
The Robert Adams Infinity Institute is a Non-profit 501 (c)(3) "Our Mission on This Earth Is To Be Of Service to Humanity."