I Am Calling You To A Great Benevolence
" Pray to God and He Will Help You." "Prayer Makes You Humble. It Makes You Pure." "Every True Religion Includes Prayer. Never Think You Are Above This." "If Your Are Suffering, Pray To Your God and He Will Help You. In Suffering, Pray for Divine Intercession. This Is A Compassionate Universe. Grace Intercedes." "It Is Very Good To Pray For Others. This Is A Holy Act. Pray With Humility" "Utilize the Practices of Your Faith. Prayer Beads, Prayer Flags, Rosaries, Malas, All Are Offered to God With Love." "Pray with humility. It is good to pray for Divine Intercession." Robert Adams
"As You Are Unfolding, Spread Sunshine to All You Meet. Lift Others Up . Offer suffering to The Supreme, and be of assistance to others. Prayin love and humility." Robert Adams "Gather together, stick together in The Divine Connection and help one another. The phsyical body does not need to be there for the heart is more powerful." Robert Adams "Prayer is very powerful. Pray the prayers of your faith. You may use prayer beads, songs. Surrender to Gods Love Omniscient." Robert Adams
In a warm, yet uncompromised purity, we are able to 'have a direct experience of God', learn of the universal laws and guideposts of compassion, while receiving the gifts of the ancient truths.
"How to pray? Have a humble heart. A pure heart. Live by the Golden Rule. You may say The Lords Prayer, the prayers of your faith. The most important thing is to love God as a personal God, or else you are really not sure. Hand everything to his All- Pervading Omniscient Love, and do your part."
Peace be with you. "I welcome you with all my heart." Robert Adams Student Forum
What Does Robert Adams Original Pure Form Teaching Teach Regarding Prayer and How Does His Teaching Differ From Other Teachers? "I teach only my own experience. You have asked me to share my experience. Try it and see if it works for you." As Robert Adams explains, "I teach only my own experience. I do not teach only 'Advaita', but also the heart of devotion. It is only to the Ajnani that there is a difference between Jnana and devotion. To the illumined, there is no difference for all separation is dissolved. There is only the Self, omniscient omnipresent all pervading love.
Therefore there is both the personal and the impersonal aspect of God. Both are true. It is up to you, your samskaras, your nature, which path you choose." "I am not a guru. I teach only my own experience. You have asked me to share my experience. Try it and see if it works for you." "To the devotee who worships Krishna, who worships Jesus, if their heart is pure, if they have surrendered everything, they will find illumination.
Never think that you are above prayer. Worship. Worship makes you pure. Most people who attempt to follow these types of teachings become enmeshed in dry head knowledge.They memorize a lot of words, non dual terms, but they have a hard heart." "Pray to God and He will help you. Never believe that you are above this. To one who Knows, there is no difference, no attachment to an impersonal God. For God is without and within.
The Self is boundless, eternal, all pervading. How can the Self be only one form?" "As you know, I began in mystical Christianity. Now this is a very beautiful path. For Jesus and Ramana said the same thing. Find the Self and you will find freedom from suffering. You may substitute the word "God" for the Self or for Consciousness. It is the same."
What does Robert Adams teach about prayer in his discourses? How does this differ from other teachers? "I teach only my own experiece. You have asked me to share this with you. Try it and see if it works for you." Read The Original Pure Form Teaching of Robert Adams On Prayer Below In Reference to Difference From Other Teachers: ."Pray to God and He Will Help You.""Pray for Divine Intercession. This is a Compassionate Universe." Robert Adams Silence of the Heart I Silence of the Heart II
I am surrendered and ask only to have one tiny glimpse of the Divine so that I may be strengthened and encouraged to carry on as this body/mind phenomena with this name and much lack and limitation. The appearance of loneliness and isolation are unbearable. With love....all would be bearable. Divine love. Please reveal the love of the Divine to me, to my children, to the entire world and beyond. And I give thanks and love to all. And Robert. Only love. Jacomina H.
Anna - Asking for healing for niece from a brain tumor
Please Pray for Lynn so that her finances stablize and all fear is gone
Please pray for Kathleen until she heals from Breast Cancer
Oriya bateman. Single employed mother of three now put on futlough. My great grandma very sick with virus. Unusual for always superb health and pure moral fiber. We are most despondent. Thank you for your prayers.
K. Singh and family of nine. Los Angeles Lesson student of twelve years. Very ill. Thank you.
Margaret - Hi friends-can't shake three wk fever. Kids becoming oncerned. As we find the peace in the evenings in meditations together, worried for their welfare.om amen.
John Patrick -LA. CA. Please join me in praying for the joy to return to my family.
Jimmy and Annie - Dear God with every new sunrise let us rise to the occasion with 'wonder and glory'.
Our area is financially devastated. I ponder the changing earth cycles and eras in the talk on earths evolution. I need to help others. Guidance requested. Private.
B.n. - Your oasis of happiness and truth is always my refuge. Recently my company closed up due to virus. The bad news is financial change. The good news is more time to put on some music and dive into the methods. Your prayers and counsel have transcended the experience. Still need prayers tho.
Jordan -Please pray for me and my family for emotional and spiritual healing especially for anger and depression and whatever else you feel led to pray about concerning us as individuals/family . So be it!!! -Eleanor -Kyle -Kylen -Kayden -Kamryn-Lee
Karim Zenile - Male of 56 years from Algeria country and Algiers town, Solutions to all my problems in my life, Remove all obstacles in my life, Remove poverty in my life, Finding the soulmate of my dreams
Please pray for the held immigrant children for Christmas away from parents.
L. Brain cancer. In treatement. thank you. .
...the family as sacred and respect for this as this is a current need for my friend.
P. Lesson Student - Feeling Him near directly
Rick Sei - please thank you for prayers candles for my ancestors. Great missing of relations. My early religion says this blesses them. good to you.
My relationship is up and down.....ready for steady. The video garden helps greatly. Thank you for this.
L.C. Santa Fe - To incorporate ultimate reality in my heart.
Jennifer Palo- i would appreciate prayers for financial supply for temporal needs of education. Please include my name in list.
Celinee Barkley - i am studying the beatitudes that Robert Adams mentioned and find quite a goal! Amazing though. A quiet prayer for 'progression in life here and now' in order to 'feel attracted to the laws of correct action'....to the degree to place it as a priority. I have a bit, not enough. thank you for this amazing site of value.
D. B. - ...a better complete realization of this wisdom besides discussing. Soaking up my bad habits to be free. Also my grandfather, ill.
Mikel and Duane Carlyle -The digusting situation with these children being held.
Peace and peace to you. My three children are being tainted by the 'vile' media/videos and I must work full time so cannot monitor....your caring means so much, so greateful.
Dr. Warner,
Sonny - Everything as I knew it has changed to a new reality indeed! (lol) adjustment to loss... in observance, a balance. I apply your words daily, sometimes hourly. All that selflessness right back to you with love.
Sita Lesson Student - ..please give me the strength to face my flaws yet be strong enough to apologise and begin anew. (I felt the prayer service last night!)
Hello dear ones. Continuing symptoms of health nature the last time they left immediately for one year so here I am again. Bless you.
'Mom'. Benevolence Project volunteer.
Kathy - Prayer for Clearity:
...confusion of none duality and listening to peoples version of it ... my mind or the mind is done with tooo much seeking- bring the peace that passeth all understanding and stay permanent in the knowing of this truth.
Please pray for me (Jordan ) and my wife Eleanor for emotional and spiritual healing especially for anger and depression. Also for healing and restoration of our marriage and whatever else you feel led to pray about concerning us as individuals/married couple. Thank you
Chris -needs your loving prayer blessings to have strength and courage to make healthy and positive choices to be a caring and loving father and to balance back for himself. Thank you to all for your loving support OM
P.G - Please pray for me. There is such tiredness in the body, the entire system. The journey and longing for Truth has been long. I only wish to be Home in God. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Prayer Request: Salutations to the Divine Soul in you
Kuhan -Please if you can pray for me as i will be facing a very critical month in March this year and probably the balance of the year. i hope to be able to do all i can at the finest level. i hope the Divine energies bless me with my hopes. however if things don't go the way i hope i hope i will be channeled with Divine strength to face the times to come.
Thank you so much in advance
Kathy J. - your prayers are needed for my sons. There is dishormony -what is the truth -let God answer please I am so scared. I have such anxiety. Please please give me clarity
Please pray for Kathy.
"Never think you are nothing. Never think you are non-existent. You, the real You, are all pervading, omniscient love, eternal, pure compassion. When I say no-thing, of course I am referring to all that is temporary. You are eternal.
You, the real You, is no-thing that is temporary, mere flesh, mortal. Yet this life is holy. Therefore it behooves you to say, "I AM pure compassion. All Pervading Omniscient Love." For this is who you really are." Robert Adams
Please pray for Anne and her health situation.
Please everyone please pray for S. a most beautiful lady with abdominal issues. Many sentient beings are depending on her. om shanti
Adam Please pray for my spiritual healing, guidance, and a dose of gentleness. Thank you so much.
Please pray for: Charlene and Andy for Gods Blessing upon them for their highest and best good.
Matt - Thank you so much Robert, for your wonderful teaching / pointing. Pray this truth be all that remains, that this 'I' thought vanish in the light of love and truth that you speak. Peace and love to all.
Esther- Pray for recovery from surgery.
Om sri Gurubhyo namaha
Prayer Request:
Donna - I need a prayer to help me save my home. I am the mother of a special needs child and the bank is days away from selling our home at a sheriffs auction. I run my own business from home because I was unjustly released from my previous job years ago due to poor health issues I had. Since then I've been doing anything I can to try and earn money to save our home. It was built by my grandparents and is the only safe place my child and I have. Without it, we will be out on the street. Please say a prayer for me that this horrible tragedy doesn't happen and I find a way to pay off the bank and save our home in time.
Please pray with us for Donna and her family.
"Create Peace wherever you are with whoever you are with"
Robert Adams
"You must do something spiritual everyday. I call you to do these things everyday. You will live in a New Reality. Your entire life will be transformed. You will have a Direct Experience of Bliss, Healing and The Supreme. Peace, Love and Truth that does not change will comfort you. Life will become bright." Robert Adams
"Suffering subsides. The happiness will come bubbling up. You will be guided through your life."